We have been successfully helping 80% of people achieve significant change to their tinnitus for over 15 years through our University of Auckland Hearing & Tinnitus clinic. In 2017 we took those same techniques and made them available online so we can help people who want the convenience of being able to get help whenever and wherever they want. We are blown away to have over 2,000 people from 34 countries already using our Tinnitus Tunes content and treatment, thank you.
We know from chatting with many of our members that they want to:
Members receive a comprehensive guide that includes links to all our curated content including books, podcasts, Ted Talks, video training, relaxation exercises, masking & relaxation sounds, brain training exercises and a range of optional online courses or content depending on your type of tinnitus and your symptoms. The guide gives a structured step by step approach that you take at your own pace.
We are connected with all the leading researchers, hearing associations and treatment providers and we will keep you fully informed of new developments in the assessment and treatment of tinnitus and hyperacusis. We also provide independent and professional commentary so you are not going to be led astray by false promises and unproven claims of miracle cures.
So to come on board as member of our community please use this link. We look forward to helping you soon.
It is all Risk Free as we provide a full refund within the first 60 days if for any reason you are not happy with the changes you achieve.