Case study 6 - Heather
Feedback from Heather: "For the past two years I have had forever-changing 24 x 7 tinnitus. In the first few months I spent a disproportionate amount of time online searching for answers and found it difficult to differentiate between fact and fiction.
I was introduced to Tinnitus Tunes by the Hearing and Tinnitus Clinic at the University of Auckland. It was such a relief to find helpful information you could trust from people who are genuinely concerned for your welfare and want to help you with your tinnitus.
The web site is easy to navigate and the information easy to understand. If you want even more information (and ability to use the sound therapy) you can pay a subscription that enables you to go further.
This is the only site I use now, as it has all any tinnitus sufferer needs to support them. I was fortunate to meet with Dr Grant Searchfield and audiologist Tania Linford. Knowing that people of their calibre are behind this site makes it even more credible."